IMS Policy

Discover our dedication to maintaining the highest industry standards in pest control solutions.

We all at Gumtree Traps Pvt. Ltd. are committed

  • to provide quality products and services to our customers.
  • to remain socially responsible organization.
  • for prevention of pollution.
  • for consultation and participation of workers.

This objective shall be achieved by focusing on following points,

  • Understanding & fulfillment of customer requirements.
  • Honoring mutually agreed terms and conditions between customer and GTPL
  • Identification of business, process risks and mitigating them.
  • Continual improvements in all areas of operation to avoid contingencies.
  • Prevention of injury and ill health by maintaining safe practices during manufacturing.
  • Promote awareness regarding quality, health & environment safety by teamwork.
  • Complying with all applicable legal requirements related to health, safety and environment protection.

Our team is always alert, equipped and ready to respond to emergency requirements. We ensure awareness among our suppliers to safeguard the environment and follow safe practices and continually improve our QHSE performance.

31st August 2021 

This policy is initially approved by Director on 26th April 2018, which is revised on 26th June 2018 , 1st April 2020 and subsequently on 31-08-2021 during audit.

It is communicated and made understood to all staff members through trainings. Also, this policy is displayed in conference rooms. It is also displayed at main entrance of factory and made available to interested parties on Gumtree’s website. 

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