Most people do not know this, but over a million types of insects worldwide exist though very few of them are pests. However, about eighty percent of the world’s animal species and most global pests are insects.

People globally have a peculiar relationship with nature and other creatures – while many love nature, they are very selective about which creatures they would be willing to allow in their homes. This dichotomy or ‘selective love of nature’ makes human behaviour interesting as they are likely to consider any creature a pest if it occurs at their home.

In the pest control industry, we consider only those organisms with the potential to cause harm and damage as pests. As a result, the global pest control industry has developed around the need to help people keep pests out of homes and businesses.

Consider these nine signs that you may need to opt for a pest control service to get rid of these pests in the best way possible.

Let us look at the signs that you need a pest controller to help you make your home pest-free.

1. Pest Droppings:

Initially, look at the surfaces and floors throughout the house. Then, take a full tour of your home and look for pest droppings, one of the most common sign of pest infestation.

Look for droppings in attics, crawl spaces, cabinets, and basements in your search for pest activity inside your home. After internal inspection, also look for pest-dropping evidence outdoors.

You are most likely to see rodent droppings of mice, rats, or cockroaches at your home. Presence of pest droppings indicates a pest infestation for which you must plan a pest control service through a pest control company.

Pigeon droppings are also evidence of pigeons, though, in the case of those pests, the large size of the pest and their frequent activity give away their presence.

2. Gnaw Marks:

While visiting your house looking for signs of pests, look for torn fabrics, gnaw marks, and holes all of which indicate the presence of rodents.

In addition, you may also see stains on the upholstery, clothing, or other fabrics.

The above signs are typical indicators of mice and rat infestation and are warning signs for quick action to deal with the pest problem.

Rodents can damage the fabrics throughout the house as they seek cloth to build their nests. Look around the house, and do not forget to check, cardboard boxes, electrical wires, and other belongings which may harbour rodents or rodent-damaged material.

3. Strange Smell:

If you notice and feel a strange scent throughout the house, that could also indicate a pest infestation, as pests like rats and mice may leave droppings and urine throughout a home, even if you do not see those.

You may feel the scent of stale or rotten food as pests also carry the food away, leaving small crumbs and pieces behind.

4. Body Parts:

Their body parts another primary indicator of pests being in your house. If you happen to see the insect body parts, such as discarded skin or wings, it means that pests have made their place in your house. You can usually find these parts near the entry points, such as windows.

When ‘alates’ or winged termites perform their ‘nuptial flight’ after the first rains during monsoon, shedding their wings which you can find on the floor soon after.

Bed bugs develop by molting or shedding their skin, and the occurrence of many bed bug molting skin is an indicator of bed bug presence.

5. Ant trails:

Because there are thousands of ant species, you may begin to see ant trails at your home leading to a food source. Ants switch their diet choices depending on the season and seek carbohydrates or proteins from the homes they infest.

Apart from being unsightly, ants in a trail are likely to damage any available food and may create debris if they attempt to create a nest within the home. In addition, some ants sting and create a nuisance.

6. Strange Sounds:

If you ever notice strange sounds at night, it may indicate that you need to use glue traps for insects and to capture the pests to find out their activity.

When you want to investigate the source of strange sounds at home, that you suspect from pests, look out for: scratching, scuttling, squeaking, and whining, all of which indicate pest presence.

While rats and mice may make some of the above sounds, be prepared to trace the sound’s origin and detect the creature responsible for it.

Crickets can chirp and disturb the people inside a home.

The scarabeiform larvae of wood-infesting powder post beetles noisily chew wood, indicating their presence. The presence of frass or wooden powder below a wooden object indicates powder-post beetle damage. The sound of wood-chewing and the presence of wooden residues are indicators of pest damage.

7. Grime and dirt:

When there is pest infestation, grime and dirt build-up are a common sight as pests leave their marks. While moving around, rodents rub their bodies against surfaces transferring their body oils and creating dark smudges on the objects they contact.

Ants leave trails in which you may find the soil particles they have excavated from construction.

Pigeons create numerous cleaning issues with their droppings, feathers, and nesting material. In addition, the debris from pigeon activity frequently clogs drains and causes flooding.

8. Hollow Wood:

Hollow wood is a common indication of sub-terranean termites which feed on cellulose that they carry to their soil colony from above-ground sources like furniture.

Termites are cryptic pests that silently cart away cellulose from any wooden material, including plywood and fiberboard and other objects like clothes and paper which also contain cellulose.

When the homeowner becomes aware of the damage to a wooden article, it may be too late, as termites may have damaged the wooden object by hollowing it.

9. Ladybugs:

Ladybugs or ladybird beetles may seem gentle and sweet, but they are predators that feed on garden pests.

If you see ladybugs in or around the house, it indicates the presence of sap-sucking-insect pests such as aphids, mealy bugs, mites, and whiteflies on which the ladybugs feed.

Look for the sap-sucking insect pests in your outdoor and indoor plants, thoroughly examining all parts of the plants, including roots, shoots, leaves, flowers, and fruits.

Some pests, like white flies, occur below leaves and mealy bugs occur in crevices.

Do not overlook the above nine pest signs that we have listed above. If you find one or more pest signs at your home, you immediately plan for the best pest control solution to maintain a pest-free home.

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